Challenges the widespread belief that the US government's environmental policies are implemented to the public good.
Introduction - Environmental Politics Without Romance, M.S.Greve; Clean Fuels, Dirty Air, J.H.Adler; Sacred Cows - the Bovine Somatotropin Controversy, C.L.Culp; the Coalition for Waste - Superfund and Private Interests, M.K.Landy and M.Hague; Pollution Deadlines and the Coalition for Failure, R.Shep Melnick; Private Enforcement, Private Rewards - How Citizen Suits Became an Entitlement Program, M.S.Greve; Ozone Layers and Oligopoly Profits, D.F.McInnis; the Public Interest Movement and American Trade Policy, D.Vogel; Conclusion - Environmental Policy at the Crossroads, F.L.Smith.