Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet, 9th Edition provides emphasis on the scientific process throughout the book and gives readers the structure to develop their critical thinking skills. Updated and revised to include the latest research in the field, the 9th edition continues to present a balanced analytical and interdisciplinary approach to the field.
New to this edition:
- A complete revision of the basic energy and fossil fuel chapters to reflect the tremendous changes that have occurred as a result of exploiting the oil and natural gas resources within in the U.S
- A major revision of Global Change that presents a balanced coverage of this important Environmental Science topic.
- Basic chemistry for Environmental Science is now included in chapter 7 with biogeochemical cycles.
- An in depth discussion in Chapter 1 about the processes of learning and discovery in Environmental Science, with steps to creative thinking and higher cognitive abilities.
- New and updated Case Studies, Closer Look Boxes, and Critical Thinking Issues
- Updated features help students engage with key issues and topics in environmental science, and provide resources for instructors to foster dynamic in-class discussion.
Ch1. Key Themes in Environmental Science
Ch2. Science as a Way of Knowing: Critical Thinking about the Environment
Ch3. Dollars and Environmental Sense: Economics of Environmental Issues
Ch4. The Big Picture: Systems of Change
Ch5. The Human Population and the Environment
Ch6. Ecosystems: Concepts and Fundamentals
Ch7. The Biogeochemical Cycles
Ch8. Environmental Health, Pollution, and Toxicology
Ch9. Biological Diversity and Biological Invasions
Ch10. Ecological Restoration
Ch11. Agriculture, Aquaculture, and the Environment
Ch12. Landscapes: Forest, Parks, and Wilderness
Ch13. Wildlife, Fisheries, and Endangered Species
Ch14. Energy: Some Basics
Ch15. Fossil fuels and the Environment
Ch16. Alternative Energy and the Environment
Ch17. Nuclear Energy and the Environment
Ch18. Water Supply, Use, and Management
Ch19. Water Pollution and Treatment
Ch20. The Atmosphere and Climate Change
Ch21. Air Pollution
Ch22. Urban Environments
Ch23. Materials Management
Ch24. Our Environmental Future