&i;` As is to be expected of someone of Eckersley's experience and standing, these discussions, and the detailed expositions of `deep ecological' positions that accompany them are excellent ... This is not a dispassionate book: Eckersley has political points to make, and she makes them forcefully ... as an ecocentric interrogation of the traditional left this book is unsurpassed.'&o; THES
Part 1 Staking out the green terrain: the development of modern ecopolitical thought - from participation and survival to emancipation; exploring the environmental spectrum - from anthropocentrism to ecocentrism; ecocentrism explained and defended. Part 2 An ecocentric analysis of green political thought: the ecocentric challenge to Marxism; the failed promise of crucial theory; ecosocialism - the post-Marxist synthesis; ecoanarchism - the non-Marxist visionaries.