Evaporites: Sediments, Resources and Hydrocarbons proffers a comprehensive discussion of the role of evaporites in hydrocarbon generation and trapping. For the first time, diverse knowledge on exploitable salts has been assembled and organized, along with a summary of evaporate karst hazards as well as a summary of exploitative methods and pitfalls in dealing with evaporites in conventional and solution mining. Written by a field specialist in research and exploration, Evaporites: Sediments, Resources and Hydrocarbons presents a comprehensive synthesis of the low temperature realm of evaporite evolution. It is aimed for earth science professionals, sedimentologists, oil and gas explorers, mining geologists, as well as environmental geologists.
- Interpreting evaporite texture
- Depositional chemistry and hydrology
- Sabkhas, saline mudflats and pans
- Subaqueous salts: salinas and lakes
- Ancient basins and stratigraphic evolution
- Salt tectonics
- Karst, breccia, nodules and cement: Pointers to vanished evaporites
- Burial hydrology and chemistry
- Halotolerant life in feast or famine
- Oil and gas associations
- Evaporites as exploited mineral resources
- Solution mining and cavern use
- References
- Index
From the reviews: "In this new book, Warren ! extensively reviews nearly all important evaporite problems and aspects debated in recent literature, and also presents his own concepts and opinions. ! The book thus contains a wealth of information on both evaporites and related earth-science aspects. ! The book is also very well illustrated. ! Warren ! makes the text interesting and simple. The text is generally easy to read and to understand ! . the book is of value for a wide group of readers ! ." (Maciej Babel, Journal of Sedimentary Research, February, 2007) "The monograph presents a summary of exploitative methods in conventional and solution mining of evaporites and offers a comprehensive synthesis of the low temperature (sedimentary) realm of evaporite evolution as well as a comprehensive discussion of the role of evaporites in hydrocarbon generation and trapping. ! Included are several subjects on related different branches of science in a highly academic level. ! The book is for earth science professionals, sedimentologists, oil and gas explorers, mining and petroleum geologists, as well as environmental geologists." (Fakhry A. Assaad, Environmental Geology, Vol. 52 (7), 2007)