Language: English with bilingual summary in English and Spanish
This volume covers four families
The Ecuadorean members of Proteaceae are revised. Five genera and 14 species are recorded from Ecuador: Panopsis (5 spp.), Roupala (6 spp), Euplassa (1 sp.), Lomatia (1 sp.), and Oreocallis (1 sp.). Three species are described as new: Panopsis megistosperma C. Bonifaz & X. Cornejo, P. roldosii C. Bonifaz, X. Cornejo & C. Ulloa, Roupala plinervia X. Cornejo & C. Bonifaz, and a new variety: Roupala brachybotrys var. cartilaginea X. Cornejo & C. Bonifaz. Keys, descriptions, and specimen citations are given for all taxa. Most taxa are illustrated.
The species of Opiliaceae from Ecuador are revised. Only the genus Agonandra, with three species, occurs in the country. The taxa are described, a key and specimen citations are given, and two species are illustrated.
There are seven genera of Olacaceae in Ecuador: Aptandra (1 sp.), Cathedra (1 sp.), Dulacia (1 sp.), Heisteria (10 spp.), Minquartia (1 sp.), Schoepfia (1 sp.), and Ximenia (1 sp.). Four new taxa are here described: Heisteria erythrocarpa P. Jørg. & C. Ulloa, Heisteria pacifica P. Jørg. & C. Ulloa, Heisteria acuminata subsp. intermedia P. Jørg., and Heisteria acuminata subsp. angustifolia P. Jørg. Descriptions, keys. and specimen citations are given for all taxa. The new species and fruits of all taxa of Heisteria are
The Santalaceae of Ecuador are revised. Two genera, Acanthosyris (with two known species and one unassigned) and Cervantesia (with two species) are treated. Keys are provided for all taxa, genera and species are fully described, and full specimen citations are given for all species. Selected species are illustrated.