The politics of food is changing fast. In rich countries, obesity is now a more serious problem than hunger. Consumers once satisfied with cheap and convenient food now want food that is also safe, nutritious, fresh, and grown by local farmers using fewer chemicals. Heavily subsidized and underregulated commercial farmers are facing stronger push back from environmentalists and consumer activists, and food companies are under the microscope. Meanwhile, agricultural success in Asia has spurred income growth and dietary enrichment, but agricultural failure in Africa has left one-third of all citizens undernourished – and the international markets that link these diverse regions together are subject to sudden disruption.
The second edition of Food Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know has been thoroughly updated to reflect the latest developments and research on today's global food landscape, including biofuels, the international food market, food aid, obesity, food retailing, urban agriculture, and food safety. The second edition of Food Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know also features an expanded discussion of the links between water, climate change, and food, as well as farming and the environment. New chapters look at livestock, meat and fish and the future of food politics.
Paarlberg's book challenges myths and critiques more than a few of today's fashionable beliefs about farming and food. For those ready to have their thinking about food politics informed and also challenged, Food Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know is Food Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know to read.
Preface to Second Edition
Chapter One: An Overview of Food Politics
Chapter Two: Food Production and Population Growth
Chapter Three: The Politics of High Food Prices
Chapter Four: The Politics of Chronic Hunger and Famine
Chapter Five: Food Aid And Agricultural Development Assistance
Chapter Six: The Green Revolution Controversy
Chapter Seven: The Politics of Obesity
Chapter Eight: The Politics of Farm Subsidies and Trade
Chapter Nine: Farming, the Environment, Climate Change, and Water
Chapter Ten: Livestock, Meat, and Fish
Chapter Eleven: Agribusiness, Supermarkets, and Fast Food
Chapter Twelve: Organic and Local Food
Chapter Thirteen: Food Safety and Genetically Engineered Food
Chapter Fourteen: Who Governs the World Food System?
Chapter Fifteen: The Future of Food Politics
Suggestions for Further Reading
Robert Paarlberg is Betty Freyhof Johnson Class of 1944 Professor of Political Science at Wellesley College and Adjunct Professor of Public Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and Associate at Harvard's Weatherhead Center for International Affairs. A leading authority on food policy, his books include Starved for Science, Policy Reform in American Agriculture, and Fixing Farm Trade.