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Fossil Flora of China, Volume 3: Fossil Gymnosperms in China (2-Volume Set) [Chinese]

Series: Fossil Flora of China Volume: 3
By: Keqin Sun(Author), Jinzhong Cui(Author), Shijun Wang(Author)
1301 pages, 504 plates with b/w photos
Fossil Flora of China, Volume 3: Fossil Gymnosperms in China (2-Volume Set) [Chinese]
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  • Fossil Flora of China, Volume 3: Fossil Gymnosperms in China (2-Volume Set) [Chinese] ISBN: 9787040441604 Hardback Sep 2016 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 1-2 months
Price: £145.00
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Fossil Flora of China, Volume 3: Fossil Gymnosperms in China (2-Volume Set) [Chinese]Fossil Flora of China, Volume 3: Fossil Gymnosperms in China (2-Volume Set) [Chinese]

About this book

Language: Chinese with scientific nomenclature

This book, in two volumes, systematically introduces the distribution, research history, and morphological characteristics of fossil gymnosperms found in China. Volume 1 describes 673 species belonging to 115 genera with 224 plates. Volume 2 describes 627 species belonging to 170 genera with 280 plates.

Summary in Chinese:
《中国化石裸子植物(套装共2册)》包括《中国化石植物志 第三卷 中国化石裸子植物(上)》《中国化石植物志 第三卷 中国化石裸子植物(下)》共两册。《中国化石裸子植物(套装共2册)》系统介绍了中国化石裸子植物的分布、研究历史和组成特征等。上册内容包括前裸子植物门、种子蕨植物门、苏铁植物门、银杏植物门,共涉及115属,673种,含化石图版224幅;下册内容包括松柏植物门、买麻藤纲和分类位置未定的裸子植物,共涉及170属,627种,含化石图版280幅。


Volume 1
1. Progymnospermophyta
      (1) Archaeopteridales
      (2) Noeggerathiales
2. Pteridospermophyta
      (1) Calamopityales
      (2) Lygonopteridales
      (3) Medullosales
      (4) Callistophytales
      (5) Peltaspermales
      (6) Corystospermales
      (7) Caytoniales
      (8) Gigantopteridiales
      (9) Pteridospermophytes Incertae Sedis
3. Cycadophyta
      (1) Bennettitales
      (2) Nilssoniales
      (3) Cycadales
      (4) Cycadophytes insertae sedis
4. Ginkgophyta
      (1) Ginkgoales
      (2) Czekanowskiales
      (3) Ginkgophytes incertae sedis
Explanation of Plates

Voulme 2
5. Coniferophyta
      (1) Cordaitales
      (2) Cordaitales incertae sedis
      (4) Coniferales
6. Gymnospermarum Incertae Sedis
      (1) Vojnovskyales
      (2) Amdrupia Hariis, 1932
      (3) Semina Gymnospermarum incertae sedis
7. Gnetopsida
      (1) Gnetales
      (2) Ephedrales
Explanation of Plates

Customer Reviews

Series: Fossil Flora of China Volume: 3
By: Keqin Sun(Author), Jinzhong Cui(Author), Shijun Wang(Author)
1301 pages, 504 plates with b/w photos
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