Includes 2 3½" disks. A collection of geostatistical routines for providing a source code that serves as a starting point for custom programs, advanced applications and research.
I. Introduction; II. Getting Started; 1. Geostatistical Concepts: A Review; 2. GSLIB Conventions; 3. Variogram Model Specifications; 4. Search Strategies; 5. Data Sets; 6. Problem Set One: Data Analysis; III. Variograms; 7. Measures of Spatial Variability; 8. GSLIB Variogram Programs; 9. Regularly Spaced Data; 10. Irregularly Spaced Data; 11. Variogram Maps; 12. Application Notes; 13. Problem Set Two: Variograms; IV. Kriging; 14. Kriging with GSLIB; 15. A Straightforward 2-D Kriging Problem; 16. A Flexible 3-D Kriging Problem; 17. Cokriging Problem; 18. Application Notes; 19. Problem Set Three: Kriging; 20. Problem Set Four: Cokriging; 21. Problem Set Five: Indicator Kriging; V. Simulation; 22. Principles of Stochastic Simulation; 23. Gaussian-Related Algorithms; 24. Indicator-Based Algorithms; 25. p-Field Simulation; 26. Boolean Algorithms; 27. Simulated Annealing; 28. Gaussian Simulation Programs; 29. Sequential Indicator Simulation Programs; 30. A Boolean Simulation Program; 31. Simulated Annealing Programs; 32. Application Notes; 33. Problem Set Six: Simulation; VI: Other Useful Programs; 34. PostScript Display; 35. Utility Programs; Appendix A: Partial Solutions to Problem Sets; Appendix B: Software Installation; Appendix C: Programming Conventions; Appendix D: Alphabetical Listing of Programs; Appendix E: List of Acronyms and Notations
Praise for the previous edition:
"Provides concise theoretical discussions of relevant geostatistical concepts, with an emphasis on placing the provided routines in the context of current geostatistical practice. The text is loaded with citations and the resulting bibliography is a valuable resource within itself."--KansasGeological Survey