About this book
The Handbook of Sustainable Weed Management presents the latest international strategies for controlling weeds while preventing dangerous chemicals from endangering the ecosystem or human lives. This compendium focuses on designing future weed management strategies that reduce herbicidal usage, restore ecological balance, and increase food production. This book provides new insights and approaches for weed scientists, agronomists, agriculturists, horticulturists, farmers, extentionists, teachers and students.
In the Handbook of Sustainable Weed Management, experts from Asia, Europe, North America, and Australia organize in one resource the scattered information related to weeds and their management from different ecosystems around the world. The text captures the multifaceted impacts of and approaches to managing weeds from field, farm, landscape, regional, and global perspectives. Generously illustrated with tables and figures, this book not only describes the various techniques for weed management but shows you what methods work best for a given site, invasive weed, or invaded crop.
Weeds and Their Management: Rationale and Approaches, R.K. Kohli, D.R. Batish, and H.P. Singh Weed Management: A Basic Component of Modern Crop Production, R. Labrada Contributions to Weed Suppression from Cover Crops, M.L. Hoffman and E.E. Regnier Utilizing Brassica Cover Crops for Weed Suppression in Annual Cropping Systems, R.A. Boydston and K. Al-Khatib Grass-Legume Mixed Cover Crops for Weed Management N.R. Burgos, R.E. Talbert, and Y.I. Kuk Rye As a Weed Management Tool in Vegetable Cropping Systems, J.B. Masiunas A Rotation Design That Aids Annual Weed Management in a Semiarid Region, R.L. Anderson Examining Tillage and Crop Rotation Effects on Weed Populations in the Canadian Prairies, R.E. Blackshaw, A.G. Thomas, D.A. Derksen, J.R. Moyer, P.R. Watson, A. Legere, and G.C. Turnbull Potential of Allelopathy and Allelochemicals for Weed Management, D.R. Batish, H.P. Singh, R.K. Kohli, and G.P. Dawra Progress in Developing Weed-Suppressive Rice Cultivars for the Southern United States, D.R. Gealy and K.A. Moldenhauer The Ecology of Weed Seed Predation in Herbaceous Crop Systems, F.D. Menalled, M. Liebman, and K.A. Renner Mowing for Weed Management, W.W. Donald Herbicide Fate Under Conservation Tillage, Cover Crop, and Edge-of-Field Management Practices, M.A. Locke, R.M. Zablotowicz, and M.A. Weaver Strategies for Developing Bioherbicides for Sustainable Weed Management, S.M. Boyetchko and E.N. Rosskopf Developing Microbial Weed Control Products: Commercial, Biological, and Technological Considerations, K.L. Bailey and E.K. Mupondwa Implementation of Weed Biocontrol in Forest Vegetation Management for Conifer Production, S.F. Shamoun Characterization of Phytotoxins from Phytopathogenic Fungi and Their Potential Use As Herbicides in Integrated Crop Management, A. Evidente and M.A. Abouzeid Applications of Soil and Rhizosphere Microorganisms in Sustainable Weed Management, R.J. Kremer Herbicide-Resistant Crops and Weed Management, K.N. Reddy and C.H. Koger Strategies for Managing Herbicide-Resistant Weeds, H.J. Beckie and G.S. Gill Recent Advances in Parasitic Weed Research: An Overview, J.R. Qasem Management of Weeds in Pasture Systems, B.M. Sindel Integrated Turfgrass Weed Management, R.S. Chandran Approaches to Integrated Weed Management, D.D. Buhler Learning Groups for Implementation of Integrated Weed Management: Principles and Practical Guidelines, N. Jordan, H. Niemi, S. Simmons, R. Becker, J. Gunsolus, and S. White Index Reference Notes Included
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