Heliothis/Helicoverpa are the most important constraints to increasing the production and productivity of crops worldwide. They cause an estimated loss of US$5 billion, despite application of pesticides costing over US$1 billion annually. Therefore, there is a need to have a critical look at the available information to develop ecologically sound and economically feasible approaches for minimizing the losses due to these pests.
This book covers various aspects of information on bio-ecology, temporal and spatial distribution, key mortality factors, population dynamics and early warning system, host plant resistance, mechanism and inheritance of resistance, introgression of resistance genes from closely related wild relatives of crops, transgenics, molecular marker-assisted selection, bio-control agents including natural enemies and biopesticides, natural plant products, chemical control and insecticide resistance management, and integrated management of Heliothis/Helicoverpa. An attempt has been made to pinpoint the gaps in our knowledge of Heliothis/Helicoverpa management and identify the areas for future research thrusts. Considering the complexity of effectively managing Heliothis/Helicoverpa infestations, it is imperative that we follow an integrated approach. This integration will involve agronomic and cultural management, host plant resistance, transgenics, biological control and judicious use of chemical pesticides. Many potential elements of Heliothis/ Helicoverpa management described in this book will form the basis for minimizing the crop losses due to these pests, reduce pesticide application, thus resulting in sustainable crop production in future.