This publication on the amphibians and reptiles of Nepal is intended as a reference book and field guide for the general public as well as for specialists, researchers and naturalists in Nepal and elsewhere. It provides up to date information available so far, and aims at making this information more accessible and useful to a broader range of readers. Furthermore, it builds on works previously undertaken and consolidated by various authors, and takes it a step further by adding, arranging and presenting information as a more accessible companion guide.
Various sections in this publication have been organised in a way to be useful to all, a reference tool for the converted as also a sort of beginner's guide so to speak. It deals firstly with the general introduction, including a brief introduction to the herpetofaunal richness of Asia in general and Nepal in particular, zoogeography, historical review of studies carried out, extinction threats and conservation efforts in the region.
Two sections are included to expand the scope of understanding on Nepal's amphibians and reptiles. First, a section on the traditional knowledge and uses associated with herpetofauna for food and medicine and some other aspects of ethnoherpetology. Second, a section on facts and commonly held beliefs since these creatures are so misunderstood. This section aims to dispel the many superstitions related to these animals and show them in a positive light, especially in terms of their importance and contributions to ecosystem health and human well-being.
The bulk of the book comprises profiles of 190 species and subspecies of herpetofauna. While information has been updated and presented in a concise manner, each profile includes species characteristics, habitats, distribution, conservation status, etc.