This book is the first to cover the fundamentals of hydrogeophysics from both the hydrogeological and geophysical perspectives. Authored by leading experts and expert groups, the book starts out by explaining the fundamentals of hydrological characterization, with a focus on hydrological data acquisition, hydrological measurement analysis, and geostatistics. The fundamentals of geophysical characterization are then presented, with a focus on electrical resistivity, induced polarization, electromagnetic, GPR and seismic methods. The geophysical methods and petrophysical discussions presented here emphasize the theory, assumptions, approaches, and interpretations that are particularly important for hydrogeological applications. A series of case studies illustrate hydrogeophysical approaches for mapping hydrological units, estimation of hydrogeological parameters, and monitoring of hydrogeological processes in both the vadose and saturated zones. Finally, the book concludes with a discussion of hydrogeophysical frontiers, such as emerging technologies and stochastic hydrogeophysical inversion approaches.
Hydrogeophysics is intended to provide an introduction to students and to new researchers to the field, to be used as a resource for researchers already active in the field, and to serve as a springboard for advances in the field that are needed to improve our understanding and management of the earth's shallow subsurface.
Background and Hydrogeology.- Introduction to Hydrogeophysics.- Hydrogeological Methods for Estimation of Spatial Variations in Hydraulic Conductivity.- Geostatistics.- Fundamentals of Environmental Geophysics.- Relationships between the Electrical and Hydrogeological Properties of Rocks and Soils.- DC Resistivity and Induced Polarization Methods.- Near Surface Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Induction.- GPR Methods for Hydrogeological Studies.- Shallow Seismic Methods.- Relationships between Seismic and Hydrological Properties.- Geophysical Well Logging.- Airborne Hydrogeophysics.- Hydrogeophysical Case Studies. Hydrogeophysical Case Studies at the Regional Scale.- Hydrogeophysical Case Studies at the Local Scale: the Saturated Zone.- Hydrogeophysical Case Studies in the Vadose Zone.- Hydrogeophysical Methods at the Laboratory Scale.- Hydrogeophysical Frontiers.- Emerging Technologies in Hydrogeophysics.- Stochastic Forward and Inverse Modeling: the ?Hydrogeophysical Challenge?.
From the reviews: "The book Hydrogeophysics covers the state of the art in this emerging field of research at the interface of geophysics and hydrogeology. The book contains 17 chapters in four sections and is written by an international group of leading experts. ! The book contains a wealth of information and represents a comprehensive overview of the state of the art in hydrogeophysics and its applications. ! I am enthusiastic about the contents of the book ! ." (Jan Vanderborght, Vadose Zone Journal, Issue 5, 2006) "The book covers fundamentals of hydrogeophysics from the hydrogeological and geophysical perspectives. ! The book has contributions by 35 authors who are leaders in their respective areas from nine countries ! . The book provides an introduction to students and new researchers in the field of hydrogeophysics. It can be used as a reference for researchers active in the field, and serves as a basis for advances in the field." (Fakhry A. Assaad and Philip E. LaMoreaux, Environmental Geology, Vol. 51, 2007)