Impacts of Climate Change on Rainfall Extremes and Urban Drainage Systems provides a state-of-the-art overview of existing methodologies and relevant results related to the assessment of the climate change impacts on urban rainfall extremes as well as on urban hydrology and hydraulics. This overview focuses mainly on several difficulties and limitations regarding the current methods and discusses various issues and challenges facing the research community in dealing with the climate change impact assessment and adaptation for urban drainage infrastructure design and management.
Introduction: Climate change simulations; Modeling of urban rainfall extremes in a stationary context; Study of rainfall and urban runoff variability and trends in a non-stationary context; Statistical downscaling of rainfall extremes; Climate factors and changes in IDF relationships; Climate change impacts on urban drainage: results and regional differences; Needs for adaptation and flexible designs; Conclusions
Patrick Willems, University of Leuven, Hydraulics division
Jonas Olsson, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute Karsten
Karsten Arnbjerg-Nielsen, Technical University of Denmark, Department of Environmental Engineering
Simon Beecham, University of South Australia, School of Natural and Built Environments Assela
Pathirana, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education Ida
Bulow Gergersen, Technical University of Denmark, Department of Environmental Engineering
Henrik Madsen, DHI Water & Environment, Water Resources Department
Van-Thanh-Van Nguyen, McGill University, Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics