Integrated Water Resources Management in a Changing World presents a selection of the main contributions made to the international conference on Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) entitled 'Management of Water in a Changing World: Lessons Learnt and Innovative Perspectives' that was held from 12 to 13 October 2011 in Dresden, Germany. Integrated Water Resources Management in a Changing World summarises the main messages issuing from the conference and contains selected papers which were presented during the conference, either as keynote lectures in plenary sessions or as submitted papers in one of the thematic sessions. The key themes of the book are:
- Water resources in changing environments
- Groundwater management
- Technologies and implementation
- Water management indicators at different scales
- Information and decision support systems
- Water governance: actors and institutions
Integrated Water Resources Management in a Changing World provides an overview on important issues concerning the conceptual framework of integrated water resources management (IWRM). All presentations and abstracts and the corresponding PowerPoint presentations as well as a video recording of the panel discussion are available at the conference website; Readers are encouraged to complete their review of the conference and its messages by consulting this interesting on-line source of accompanying scientific material.