Provides exercises for all the major disciplines within oceanography. This new edition adds four new labs, thorough updating throughout, new objectives sections, and a 4-page colour insert.
Preface Introduction Bathymetry - The Shape of the Sea Floor Marine Charts or Finding Your Way Around Sea Floor Spreading and Plate Tectonics Geography of the Oceans Materials of the Sea Floor and How We Study Them Temperatures of Seawater Salinity of Seawater Water Masses and How We Study Them Surface Currents Tides Waves at Sea Waves in Shallow Water and Beach Erosion Hurricanes Oceanography from Space Distribution of Marine Life Primary and Secondary Productivity El Nino Marine Ecosystems and Nutrient Cycles Plankton Marine Adaptations and the Deep Sea Environment Estuaries Littoral Ecosystems and Environmental Impact Paleoceanography
BERNARD F. PIPKIN, Emeritus Professor of Earth Sciences, University of Southern California, USA DONN S. GORSLINE, University of Southern California, USA RICHARD E. CASEY, University of San Diego, USA DEAN DUNN, University of Southern Mississippi, USA STEPHEN A. SCHELLENBERG, University of Southern California, USA