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Provides a broad overview of the large-scale impact of such disturbances and presents an integrated summary of hydrological, geomorphological, and ecological theories. It reviews the legal, social, and technological bases for stream management and describes approaches for detecting degradation of water resources. |In addition, it offers options for management and ways to restore streams severely degraded by human activities, and proposes ways of protecting stream ecosystems.
Introduction and background - definition of problem; water law - a narrow framework for a complex problem; hydrologic linkages between the land and stream; stream channels - the physical template for biological processes; energy flow at lower trophic levels in stream ecosytems; drainage basins and stream fish communities - linkages along multiple dimensions; landscape disturbances and stream ecosystems - multiple impacts, multiple responses; assessing degradation of water resources; protecting ecological health of water resources; alternative options for managing disturbed landscapes; restoration of degraded stream ecosystems; challenges for the future; literature cited.
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