Language: Chinese with scientific nomenclature
Lycophytes and Ferns of China is divided into introduction, Lycopodium class, ferns, references, appendix 1 (New names and conbinations appearing in Lycophytes and Ferns of China), appendix 2 (Provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities of China); Index to Chinese name, and index to Latin names. Lycophytes and Ferns of China introduces the diversity of lycophytes and ferns in photographs, their distribution, living environment, altitude and identification characteristics. It covers almost all families and genera distributed in China, totalling 38 families and 12 subfamilies, 160 genera, and 1 100 species.
1. Introduction
2. Lycophytes:
(1) Lycopodiaceae
(2) Isoetaceae
(3 )Selaginellaceae
3. Ferns
(1) Equisetaceae
(2) Ophioglossaceae
(3) Psilotaceae
(4) Marattiaceae
(5) Osmundaceae
(6) Hymenophyllaceae
(7) Gleicheniaceae
(8) Dipteridaceae
(9) Lygodiaceae
(10) Schizaeaceae
(11) Marsileaceae
(12) Salviniaceae
(13) Plagiogyriaceae
(14) Cibotiaceae
(15) Cyatheaceae
(16) Lindsaeaceae
(17) Dennstaetiaceae
(18) Pteridaceae
(18a) Cryptogrammoideae
(18b) Ceratopteridoideae
(18c) Pteridoideae
(18d) Cheilanthoideae
(18e) Vittarioideae
(19) Cystopteridaceae
(20) Aspleniaceae
(21) Diplaziopsidaceae
(22) Rhachidosoraceae
(23) Thelypteridaceae
(24) Woodsiaceae
(25) Athyriacaeae
(26) Oncoleaceae
(27) Blechnaceae
(28) Hypodemtiaceae
(29) Dryopteridaceae
(29a) Dryopteridoideae
(29b) Elaphoglossoideae
(30) Lomariopsidaceae
(31) Nephrolepidaceae
(32) Tectariaceae
(33) Oleandraceae
(34) Davalliaceae
(35) Polypodiaceae
(35a) Loxogrammoideae
(35b) Drynarioideae
(35c) Platycerioideae
(35d) Microsorioideae
(35e) Polypodioideae
4. References
5. Appendix 1
6. Appendix 2
7. Index to Chinese Name
8. Index to Latin Name