This long-overdue book provides a comprehensive guide to the terrestrial and marine mammals of Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada. Rooted in historical accounts and local research, Mammals of Prince Edward Island and Adjacent Marine Waters illuminates the lives of PEI mammals large and small. From the Little Brown Bat to Sowerby's Beaked Whale, this book highlights each species in illustrated detail and outlines the continued need for conservation efforts.
No other Canadian province has lost such a large proportion of its mammal species due to the conversion from a forested to a predominantly agricultural landscape. In the 20th century, many marine mammals were so rare due to prior centuries of human exploitation that any sightings or strandings on PEI were recorded. Reforestation and the continued efforts of local wildlife and conservation agencies, along with the use of new and refined study techniques on land and in the sea, continue to improve our ability to understand and protect the native mammals of PEI.
Rosemary Curley, MSc, is a retired wildlife biologist and the president of Nature PEI. Pierre-Yves Daoust, DVM, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Anatomic Pathology and Wildlife Pathology at the Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward Island, and former coordinator of the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative for the Atlantic region. Donald F. McAlpine, PhD, is Research Curator of Zoology and Head of the Department of Natural History at the New Brunswick Museum and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Biology at the University of New Brunswick. Kimberly Riehl, MSc, is a research assistant with CetAsia Research Group and a resource management officer with Parks Canada. J. Dan McAskill is a retired forest manager (PEI Forests, Fish and Wildlife Division), wildlife biologist, and the editor of Island Naturalist.