This volume covers the southern half of South America. After discussing the historical biogeography and contemporary habitats of the region, the authors provide accounts for 360 indigenous species. Each taxonomic group is considered as a whole, and within a worldwide geographical context. A major work, and a vital one considering the current loss of biodiversity in South America.
1. An Introduction to the Biogeography of Southern South America
2. Order Marsupialia
3. Order Xenarthra (Edentata)
4. Order Chiroptera
5. Order Primates
6. Order Carnivora
7. Order Pinnipedia
8. Order Cetacea
9. Order Perissodactyla
10. Order Artiodactyla
11. Order Rodentia
12. Order Lagomorpha
13. Mammalian Community Ecology in Southern South America
14. The Effects of Humans on the Mammalian Fauna of Southern South America
Index of Scientific Names
Index of Common Names