This book has nine papers, all of which explore aspects of man's involvement with the sea as an environment.
Introduction, Stephen Fisher; British governmental attitudes to marine science, 1850-1949, Margaret Deacon; modern US Pacific oceanography and the legacy of British and Northern European science, Harry Scheiber; Cornish and Scillonian marine studies - past and present, Stella Maris Turk; the effect of changing climate on marine life - past events and future predictions, A.J. Southward and G.T. Boalch; sailing ship seafarers and sea creatures, Michael Stammers; Devon seaside tourism and its relationship with the coastal environment, 1750-1900, John Travis; pollution and resort development - Teignmouth in the 20th century, and especially in recent years, John Channon; the seaman's conception of himself, Kim Montin; occupational conditioning - first voyage, Alston Kennerley.