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Takes a thoroughly modern and clinically relevant approach to microbiology, discussing the organ systems in turn and addressing the diseases caused by invading microbes within each. The book has four main sections in which the first sections describe infectious diseases in terms of conflict between the host and the parasite. The third section is a full, factual, clinically-based account on infectious diseases with the necessary attention to core medical microbiology, while the fourth section is devoted to prevention and treatment, including a chapter on epidemiology.
SECTION 1: THE ADVERSARIES 1. Microbes and Parasites 2. The Host-Parasite Relationship 3. The Organisms 4. The Innate Defenses of the Body 5. Adaptive Responses Provide a Quantum Leap in Effective Defense 6. The Cellular Basis of Adaptive Immune Response SECTION 2: CONFLICTS 7. Conflicts: The Background to Infectious Disease 8. Entry, Exit, and Transmission 9. Natural Defense in Action 10. Spread and Replication 11. Parasite Survival Strategies and Persistent Infections 12. Pathological Consequences of Infection SECTION 3: DIAGNOSTIC PRINCIPLES OF CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS 13. General Principles and Specimen Quality 14. Microbiological Techniques for the Diagnosis of Infection SECTION 4: SYSTEM INFECTION OF CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS 15. Upper Respiratory Tract Infections 16. Infections of the Eye 17. Lower Respiratory Tract Infections 18. Urinary Tract Infections 19. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 20. Gastrointestinal Tract Infections 21. Obstetric and Perinatal Infections 22. Central Nervous System Infections 23. Infections of the Skin, Muscle, Joints, Bone, and Haemopoietic System 24. World-Wide Virus Infections 25. Vector-Borne Infections 26. Multisystem Zoonoses 27. Pyrexia of Unknown Origin 28. Infection in the Compromised Host SECTION 5: CONTROL 29. Strategies for Control: An Introduction 30. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 31. Vaccination 32. Passive and Non-Specific Immunotherapy 33. Epidemiological Aspects of the Control of Infection and Disease 34. Hospital Infection, Sterilization and Disinfectant APPENDIX I: THE MICROBES APPENDIX II: PROTOCOLS FOR SPECIMEN PROCESSING
Customer Reviews
Cedric Mims began as a zoologist, studying under GP Wells and JBS Haldane atUniversity College, London. He then went to the Middlesex Hospital Medical School, London, graduating in 1952. After hospital appointments he spent threeyears in Uganda investigating tropical fevers, and then 16 years in Canberra, Australia, interspersed with two years in the USA. This was followed by a 20 year period in London as Professor of Microbiology at Guys Hospital MedicalSchool, where his enthusiasm for teaching found its outlet. <br/><br/>His career has focussed on virology, infectious diseases and immunology, and he has produced five books and more than a hundred scientific papers on thesesubjects. Pathogenesis has been his constant research interest, covering a broad range, from warts and scrapie to LCM and herpes viruses. He is always astounded at ordinary people's ignorance of what goes on inside their bodies when a microbiological invader gets to work, and in 2000 he published "The War Within Us; Everyman's Guide to Infection and Immunity".