This book provides the most comprehensive treatment to date of the microphysical processes which lead to cloud and precipitation formation. Emphasis is placed on presenting a quantitative description of the various mechanisms (e.g. nucleation, diffusional growth and evaporation, collisional growth and breakup) which lead to the formation of cloud and precipitation particles, individually and in populations.
The second edition of this highly acclaimed book has been extensively updated to incorporate new research reported in a large number of articles and dozens of books and conference proceedings published since the first edition. Some highlights include: a new chapter on cloud chemistry; improved statistical mechanics models for homogeneous and heterogeneous ice nucleation; better data on aerosol size distribution and on fundamental properties of water; new data and models for asymmetric flow past particles of various shapes and for drop oscillation and breakup; extended treatment of drop coalescence and particle collision cross-sections, including some new effects of turbulence; more complete simulations of stochastic growth; expanded treatment of growth modes of graupel, rime and hailstones; new field data and modelling concerning effects of electric fields and charges on cloud microphysics.
1. Historical Review. 2. Microstructure of Atmospheric Clouds and Precipitation. 3. The Structure of Water Substance. 4. Equilibrium Between Water Vapor, Water, Aqueous Solutions, and Ice in Bulk. 5. Surface Properties of Water Substance. 6. Equilibrium Behaviour of Cloud Drops and Ice Particles. 7. Homogeneous Nucleation. 8. The Atmospheric Aerosol and Trace Gases. 9. Heterogeneous Nucleation. 10. Hydrodynamics of Single Cloud and Precipitation Particles. 11. Mechanics of the Atmospheric Aerosol. 12. Cooling of Moist Air. 13. Diffusion Growth and Evaporation of Water Drops and Ice Crystals. 14. Cloud Particle Interactions-Collision, Coalescence, and Breakup. 15. Growth of Cloud Drops by Collision, Coalescence, and Breakup. 16. Microphysics of Ice Particle-Drop Interaction. 17. Cloud Chemistry. 18. Cloud Electricity. List of Principal Symbols.
Quotes from reviews of the first edition: 'There is little doubt that this impressive book will be of central importance to cloud physicists and scientists working in related fields.' Nature 'This book no doubt will become a landmark in the realm of cloud physics, not only as an advanced textbook but also as a valuable reference. Its pages contain about as complete an exposition of current knowledge of the subject as one would hope to find anywhere.' Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 'The authors are to be congratulated for their stupendous achievement in creating this book.' Advances in Colloid and Interface Science