This is a thorough revision and update of this highly successful text which achieved sales in excess of 4,500 in the first edition. The text serves as a comprehensive introduction to parasitology for both undergraduate and beginning graduate students. In this edition, particular emphasis is placed on parasites of human and veterinary importance. The first three chapters in the text are concerned with how parasites 'work', their biochemistry, molecular and cell biology and physiology. The remaining chapters cover ecology and epidemiology, immunology and chemotherapy and the final chapter covers integrated control. This new edition contains new material on cell and molecular biology, vectors and control, in contrast to the general biological approach of the first edition. The second edition will succeed the first as the major text on parasitology for students in biology, zoology, microbiology, medicine, veterinary medicine, tropical medicine and public health.
Parasitic protozoa; Parasitic helminths; Vectors; Epidemiology; Biochemistry; Molecular biology and molecular genetics; Physiology and nutrition; Immunology; Chemotherapy; Control