Language: Contributions are in English, German, or French
Contributions to the biology and ecology of freshwater bryozoans.
Hans Hass: Schwimmtauchen als neue Methode der Meeresforschung / Swim diving as new method for submarine research
John S. Ryland: Bryozoa: an introductory overview
Emmy R. Woss: Biologie der Susswassermoostiere (Bryozoa) / Biology of freshwater bryozoans (Bryozoa)
Manfred Gunther Walzl, Emmy R. Woss: The soft body parts of freshwater bryozoans depicted by scanning electron microscopy
Jean-Loup L. D'Hondt: Etat des connaissanced sur le developpement embryonnaire des Bryozosoaires Phylactolaemates / State of the knowledge on the phylactolaematous embryology (Bryozoa)
Andrej Ernst: Upper Palaeozoic Bryozoa in Carnic Alps, Austria (a review)
Norbert Vavra: Kanozoische Bryozoenfaunen Osterreichs / Cenozoic bryozoan fauna of Austria
Rolf Kohring, Anna Pint: Fossile Susswasserbryozoen - Vorkommen, Uberlieferung, Fundbedingungen / Fossil freshwater bryozoans - occurrence, records, sampling conditions
Timothy S. Wood: Study methods for freshwater bryozoans
Emmy R. Woss: Einfluss des hydrologischen Regimes auf Verteilung und Abundanz von Susswassermoostieren (Bryozoa) / The influence of the hydrological regime on the distribution and abundance of moss animals (Bryozoa) Emmy R. Woss: Besiedlung von kunstlichen Substraten durch Moostiere (Bryozoa) im Laxenburger Schlossteich: ein Uberblick und Vergleich mit Kolonievorkommen in nat#rlicher Umgebung
Christian Fesl, Uwe H. Humpesch, Emmy R. Woss :Biodiversitat des Makrozoobenthos der Osterreichischen Donau unter Berucksichtigung quantitativer Befunde der Freien Fliesstrecke unterhalb Wiens
Johanna Troyer-Mildner: Moostiere (Bryozoa) in Karntner Gewassern (Osterreich) / Freshwater bryozoans in Carinthia (Austria)
Jos. A. Massard, Gaby Geimer: Die Susswasserbryozoen in der Fauna Europaea 2004: Karten und Kommentare / The freshwater bryozoans in the Fauna Europaea 2004 database: distribution maps and comments
Maria Illuminata Taticchi, Giorgia Pieroni, Andrea Gustinelli, Marino Prearo: Aspects of freshwater bryozoan fauna in Italy
Judith Winston: Clonal creatures of pond and stream
Samantha Hill, Beth Okamura: A review of the ecology of Lophopus crystallinus (Plumatellida, Lophopodidae), a rare species within the U.K.
Timothy S. Wood: The pipeline menace of freshwater bryozoans
Abigail M. Smith: Growth and development of biofouling freshwater bryozoans, Southern Reservoir, Dunedin, New Zealand, November 2000 to June 2004
Abigail M. Smith, Peter B. Batson: Tracking down biofoulers: a survey of freshwater bryozoans around Dunedin, New Zealand
Maja Novosel: Bryozoans of the Adriatic Sea
Joachim Scholz, Peter Konigshof, Andrej Ernst, Peter B. Batson: Bryozoenriffe / Bryozoan reefs
Beate Bader, Priska Schafer: Bryozoans in polar latitudes: Arctic and Antarctic bryozoan communities and facies
Timothy S. Wood, P. Anurakpongsatorn, R. Chaichana, J. Mahujchariyawong, T. Satapanajaru: Predation on freshwater bryozoans by the apple snail, Pomacea canaliculata, Ampulariidae, an invasive species in Southeast Asia: a summary report Sylvie Tops, Beth Okamura: Malacosporean parasites (Myxozoa, Malacosporea) of freshwater bryozoans (Bryozoa, Phylactolaemata): a review
Werner Weissmair: Schwammhafte (Insekta: Neuroptera: Sisyridae) - Parasiten der Moostiere (Bryozoa) / Spongilla-flies (Insecta: Neuroptera: Sisyridae) - parasites of Bryozoa.
Berthold Janecek: Moosthierchen und Zuckmucken
Emmy R. Woss: Bryostatin - der krebsbekampfende Wirkstoff aus Moostieren (Bryozoa) / Bryostatin - chemotherapeutic agents produced in bryozoans
Jean-Loup L. D'Hondt: Les premiers bryozoologues et la connaissance des Bryozoaires de Rondelet a Linnaeus / First bryozoologists and the knowledge of Bryozoa from Rondelet to Linnaeus.
Jean-Loup L. D'Hondt: Les travaux des chercheurs francais sur les Bryozoaires d'eau douce / The French scientific researches on the phylactolaemateous Bryozoa: a comprehensive synthesis.
Paul D. Taylor: The International Bryozoology Association