Wide ranging look at the ecology of this region, a book for naturalists as well as ecologists and land managers. Three regions of special interest are covered: Yellowstone National Park; Grand Teton National Park; and the Black Hills and Bear Lodge Mountains.
Part 1 Wyoming and the Rocky Mountain West
- Landscape History
- Modern Environments
Part 2 Along Creeks and Rivers
- Riparian Landscapes
Part 3 Plains and Intermountain Basins
- Grasslands
- Sagebrush Steppe
- Desert Shrublands and Playas
- Sand Dunes, Badlands, Mud Volcanoes, and Mima Mounds
Part 4 Foothills and Mountains
- Escarpments and the Foothill Transition
- Mountain Forests
- The Forest Ecosystem
- Mountain Meadows and Snowglades
- Upper Treeline and Alpine Tundra
Part 5 Landscapes of Special Interest
- The Yellowstone Plateau
- Jackson Hole and the Tetons
- The Black Hills, Bear Lodge Mountains, and Devil's Tower
Part 6 Sustainable Land Management
- Using Wyoming Landscapes
- Latin Names for Plants Referred to in the Text by Common Name
- Latin Names for Birds, Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibian, and Invertebrates Referred to in the text by Common Name
"There is an extensive glossary, especially useful in a book so rich in detail, a book as likely to be consulted as a reference as to be read straight through [...] The remarkable level of accuracy in the book's writing and editing makes the work virtually error-free."
– David M. Armstrong, Great Plains Research
"The inter-relationships between vegetation, soils, topography, history and other factors are stressed throughout the book, which will surely be a valuable text both in Wyoming and in adjacent states, and which would be excellent reading for any ecologically minded visitor to the state. The book is well-produced and informatively illustrated throughout."
– Kew Bulletin
"One of those rare books that will appeal to the whole spectrum of ecological reader from casual wildflower enthusiast to serious researcher."
– Chris Madison, Editor, Wyoming Wildlife
"An excellent description of Wyoming landscapes that will become the definitive work for all those interested in this fascinating region of our country."
– Paul G. Risser, president, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
"This is a very readable book that is equally attractive to the serious researcher and to travelers who appreciate the great diversity that exists in Wyoming landscapes."
– Jane Sullivan, First Lady of Wyoming
"A stimulating primer on the ecology of the Intermountain West and the scientific inquiry that these landscapes engender."
– Cathy Whitlock, Yellowstone Science
"A well-organized, well-written labor of love by a man eminently knowledgeable about his topic. The writing is crisp, clean, and readable by nearly everyone. Ecological theory is skillfully interwoven with descriptions of the numerous and varied biotic communities in Wyoming [...] Mountains and Plains is a fine accomplishment, and worthwhile reading for both professional and layman alike."
– H. J. Harju, Prairie Naturalist
"Would that a book like this were available for every state!"
– Donald A. Windsor, Science Books & Films
"We students of vegetation should read the book for ourselves and then share it with friends who want to know more about the U.S. West."
– Dr. Jane H. Bock, Journal of Vegetation Science
"At once very engaging reading, an important reference work, and a superb entree into the scientific literature."
– Michael B. Coughenour, New Biological Books
"Dennis Knight has distilled decades of learning about Wyoming landscapes into this wonderful book that combines the best of ecology and natural history [...] I hope this book will stimulate scholars to prepare books that examine the landscapes of other territories in western North America, and that they will be done with the thoroughness, balance, and style makes this book so informative and fun."
– Dan Binkley, Northwest Science
"A must for any naturalist visiting this state, and if only a book like this were available for other areas of the United States."
– Bryan Sage, Country-SIDE
"This book is useful to a relatively broad audience, from undergraduate students to advanced researchers. There is enough detail and literature citations to provide an excellent introduction to most of the landscapes of the Rocky Mountain region. The book would be very appealing for field courses in ecology and conservation biology using this region as a classroom [...] An important resource for students of Rocky Mountain ecology. It provides a synthetic approach to understanding the ecology and wise land use management of one of North America's greatest natural regions."
– William D. Bowman, Ecology