Looks at the views of Stephen Jay Gould, Richard Dawkins, Edward O. Wilson, Carl Segan, Stephen Hawking and Steven Weinberg; carefully distinguishing science from philosophy and religion in their writings.
INTRODUCTION: ORACLES OF SCIENCE; Chapter 1 A Good Devil's Chaplain: Richard Dawkins; Chapter 2 Rocks of Ages and the Ages of the Rocks: Stephen Jay Gould; Chapter 3 Reading the Mind of God: Stephen Hawking; Chapter 4 A Light in the Darkness: Carl Sagan; Chapter 5 Understanding a Pointless Universe: Steven Weinberg; Chapter 6 A Pulitzer for the Ants: Edward O. Wilson; CONCLUSION: SCIENCE AND BEYOND
"The authors make a good case for how the misuse of science to advance philosophical and quasi-religious or antireligious ideas fails to reckon with the limitations of science...The book is highly recommended." --Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation
"Six great science luminaries antagonistic to religious belief, among the most distinguished and best known scientists of our times, are subjected to scrutiny. The portrayal of their ideas is accurate and insightful, as well as fair. The criticisms are, by and large, gentle, but pointed. Will you be convinced? Read on. You'll be glad you did. You'll learn much and be prepared to make your own determination." --Francisco J. Ayala, University Professor at the University of California, Irvine, recipient of the 2001 National Medal of Science, and author of Darwin and Intelligent Design
"One of our modern values is freedom of thought in philosophy, theology, and science as well, despite the perennial turf wars between a