This volume sheds new light on the marine fauna and geological setting of the Tjörnes Sequence, North Iceland, which is a classic site for the Pliocene and Pleistocene stratigraphy of the North Atlantic region. Readers will discover descriptions of new data collected by the editors over a period of over three decades on marine faunal assemblages and sedimentology available for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions, as well as the tectonic and stratigraphical relationships on Tjörnes Peninsula.
Pacific-Atlantic Mollusc Migration includes a comprehensive account of all the collections of marine fossil invertebrate macrofossils and foraminifera known to the editors from the Tjörnes Sequence. It is expected to elucidate sedimentological and faunal changes from relatively stable Pliocene conditions to highly variable and periodically harsh climatic conditions of recurring Quaternary glaciations. The distribution, recent or fossil, of various species is recorded and pertinent ecological and biological features are also discussed. The Tjörnes Sequence records the Neogene migration of Pacific species into the North Atlantic. Researchers in geology, climate science, environmental science and earth science will find this book particularly valuable.
Chapter 1. A Brief Resumé of the Geology of Iceland
Chapter 2. The Marine Realm Around Iceland - a Review of Biological Research
Chapter 3. The Evolution of the Tjörnes Sedimentary Basin in Relation to the Tjörnes Fracture Zone and the Geological Structure of Iceland
Chapter 4. A Review of the Research History of the Tjörnes Sequence, North Iceland
Chapter 5. Lithostratigraphy of the Tjörnes Sequence in Barmur and Höskuldsvik on the West Coast of Tjörnes, North Iceland
Chapter 6. An Age Model for the Miocene to Pleistocene Tjörnes Sequence, North Iceland
Chapter 7. Systematic Overview of the Pliocene Molluscs and Barnacles of the Barmur Group on Tjörnes, North Iceland
Chapter 8. Foraminifera in the Pliocene Barmur Group on Tjörnes, North Iceland
Chapter 9. Reconstructing the Palaeoenvironments of the Pliocene Barmur Group in the Tjörnes Basin, North Iceland
Chapter 10. Lithostratigraphy of the Upper Part of the Tjörnes Sequence in Furuvik, Breiđavik, Öxarfjörđur, and Central Tjörnes Mountains, North Iceland
Chapter 11. Systematic Overview of the Molluscs and Barnacles of the Quaternary Breiđavik Group, North Iceland
Chapter 12. Foraminifera in the Early Pleistocene Part of the Breiđavik Group, North Iceland Knudsen
Chapter 13. Reconstructing the Palaeoenvironments of the Quaternary Tjörnes Basin, North Iceland
Chapter 14. Migration of Pacific Marine Mollusc Fauna into the North Atlantic Across the Arctic Ocean in Pliocene and Early Pleistocene Time
Dr Jón Eiríksson is Research Professor Emeritus at the Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland. The focus of his research has been the palaeoceanography of the Seas north of Iceland, sedimentology and lithostratigraphy, and the geology of Iceland.
Dr Leifur A. Símonarson is Professor Emeritus at the Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland. The focus of his research has been on the Cainozoic marine invertebrate fauna of Iceland and Greenland, and migration patterns and evolution of selected molluscan groups in the Northern Hemisphere.