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Introductory text on planetary geology concentrating on the surface features of the planets and satellites of our solar system. Includes new information about Venus and Neptune.
Introduction: Objectives of Solar System exploration; The geological approach: present state; Past state of the planets; Comparative planetology; Relevance of geomorphology; Sources of data; Geological exploration of the Solar System: General planetary characteristics; Pre-space-age planetology studies; Lunar and planetary missions; Planetary images: Film systems; Television systems; Facsimile systems; Radar-imaging systems; Charge-coupled devices; Digital image processing; Image correction programs; Geometric corrections; Enhancement techniques; Multispectral images; Other image-processing techniques; Planetary cartography; Summary; Planetary morphologic processes: Introduction; Impact cratering: Impact cratering mechanics; Impact craters on Earth; Impact crater morphology and effects of different planetary environments; Crater counting as a technique for age determinations; Tectonic processes: Earth's interior; Plate tectonics; Surface morphology of tectonic features; Comparative planetary tectonism; Volcanic processes: Volcanic morphology; Volcanic craters; Intrusive structures; Gradation: Mass wasting; Processes associated with the hydrologic cycle; Aeolian processes; Glacial and periglacial processes; Summary; The moon: Introduction; General physiography: Cratered terrains; Basins and basin-related terrains; Highland plains; Maria; Sinuous rilles; Mare domes and other small features; Tectonic features; Craters; Degradational features; History of the moon; Mercury: Introduction; Physiography: Smooth plains; Intracrater plains; Heavily cratered terrain; Hilly and lineated terrain; Craters and basins: Morphology; Crater states of preservation; Crater frequency distributions; Scarps and ridges; Arcuate scarps; Lobate scarps; Irregular intercrater scarps; Linear ridges; Linear troughs; The Caloris basin; Volcanism; Geologic history; Venus: Introduction: Radar data for Venus; Physiography; Craters; Tectonic features; Volcanic features; Surface modifications; Geologic history; Mars: Introduction; Phobos and Deimos; Physiography: Basins; Heavily cratered terrain; Plains and plateaus; Central volcanoes; Polar units; Canyonlands; Channelled terrain; Modified terrain; Knobby terrain; Craters: Crater morphology; Crater statistics; Volcanism: Styles of volcanism; Tectonism: The Tharsis region; History and origin of the Tharsis region; Gradation: Wind; Water; Mass wasting; Glacial and periglacial features; Geologic history; The Jupiter system: Introduction; Io: Physiography; Volcanic plumes; Europa: Physiography; Craters; Tectonic features; Geologic history; Ganymede: Physiography; Craters; Tectonism and volcanism; Geologic history; Callisto: The Galileo mission; The Saturn system: Introduction; Geomorphology of the satellites; Mimas; Enceladus; Tethys; Dione; Rhea; Titan; Hyperion; Iapetus; Phoebe; Small satellites; Geologic processes: Impact cratering; Tectonism and volcanism; The future; N The Uranus system: (part contents).
Customer Reviews
Edited By: R Greeley
284 pages, 96 line illus
...the definitive summary text for undergraduate students of surface processes... - Journal of the British Astronomy Association; Review of the first edition: I know of no other publication that provides such a rich collection of planetary photographs - there is hardly a page with out an illustration, and many cover almost the entire 11 x 8.5 format. The figures are well captioned and annotated, the spacecraft images are identified by number and information is provided on how copies might be obtained. - Nature; The reproduction of the among the best I have seen...The overall effect is stunning - Nature; ...the definitive summary text for undergraduate students of surface processes... - Journal of the British Astronomy Association; Review of the first edition: I know of no other publication that provides such a rich collection of planetary photographs - there is hardly a page with out an illustration, and many cover almost the entire 11 x 8.5 format. The figures are well captioned and annotated, the spacecraft images are identified by number and information is provided on how copies might be obtained. - Nature; The reproduction of the among the best I have seen...The overall effect is stunning - Nature; ...the definitive summary text for undergraduate students of surface processes... - Journal of the British Astronomy Association; Review of the first edition: I know of no other publication that provides such a rich collection of planetary photographs - there is hardly a page with out an illustration, and many cover almost the entire 11 x 8.5 format. The figures are well captioned and annotated, the spacecraft images are identified by number and information is provided on how copies might be obtained. - Nature; The reproduction of the among the best I have seen...The overall effect is stunning - Nature