Proceedings of the National Seminar on "Plant and Fungal Biodiversity and Bioprospecting" held at Goa during 18-19 January 2007.
1. Professor V.S. Jaiswal: a dedicated teacher and scientist/H.Y. Mohan Ram
2. Role of plant tissue culture in conservation of genetic resources/Nishi Kumari, Uma Jaiswal and V.S. Jaiswal
3. Flowering plants of India in 19 and 21 centuries--a comparison/S. Karthikeyan
4. Ectomycorrhizas and Eucalyptus spp./K. Natrajan and Malathy Srinivasan
5. A first report on the occurrence of the taxa of Cosmarium (Zygnematales, Chlorophyceae) in Thirunelveli and Kannyakumari districts of Tamil Nadu, India/V.K. Stanley Raja and M. Baluswami
6. Botanical profile and macro-distribution pattern of medicinal plants of India with special focus on species of high conservation concern/K. Ravikumar, D.K. Ved and R. Vijaya Sankar
7. Ethno medico-botany in Karnataka-Dharwad District/G.R. Hegde and S.S. Hebbar
8. Diversity and distribution of Pteridales (Pteridophyta) from Goa/Vijaya Kerkar and Poonam Shetkar
9. SPAR Profiling can provide support for the infra-generic taxonomy of the genus Equisetum L./Jyoti Srivastava, S.A. Ranade and P.B. Khare
10. Diversity in scented rices of India/Uma Ahuja, S.S. Malik and S.C. Ahuja
11. Computational analysis of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in proximal promoter region of rice (Oryza sativa L.)/G.B. Patil, B.P.N. Reddy, S.B. Kadam, R.K. Deshmukh, H. Sonah, G.R. Bhaganagare, R.N. Gacche and R.J. Thengane
12. Diversity of microfungi in the forests of Western Ghats in Goa and surrounding regions/D.J. Bhat, J. Pratibha, P. Gawas, K.Y. Sarita and D. Swapnaja
13. Occurrence of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (AM) Fungi in selected plant species from Bimbol Iron Ore Mine of Goa/Bukhari Mehtab Jahan and B.F. Rodrigues
14. Diversity and interactions among the micro fungi of agricultural soils/Venkat M. Shinde and C. Narayana Reddy
15. Detection of antifungal activity of some medicinal plants on Aspergillus niger/G.D. Lathiya, M.N. Reddy and M.H. Parabia
16. Vegetative propagation and micropropagation of Rauvolfia densiflora Benth. ex. Hook--a medicinal plant/Vidhya A. Prabhudessai and S. Krishnan
17. nifH Gene diversity in Rhizobial Symbionts isolated from different Legumes/G.R. Bhaganagare, B.P.N. Reddy, M.S. Kesawat, R.K. Deshmukh, S.M. Shivaraj, G.B. Patil and Manorama
18. What is traditional knowledge?/D. Narasimhan and F. Merlin Franco
19. Bioprospecting of novel drugs and therapeutic proteins from Fungi/S.B. Sullia
Author Index