Concentrates on events at the molecular and cellular levels, highlights some of the key processes operating in the formation of plants, and examines areas of research.
Part 1 Development of the basic structures: the problems of development - embryogenesis. Part 2 Iterative growth - meristem structure and functioning: root and shoot meristems - structure and growth; meristem functioning - formation of branches, leaves and floral organs. Part 3 Control of shape and directions of growth - the cellular basis of form: shape, growth rates, and surface structure; control of the plane of cell division; the cellular basis of polarity. Part 4 Cell differentiation: control of the differentiation of vascular tissues; cell enlargement, maturation, and differentiation; genes and development. Part 5 Competence and determination: competence and determination in differentiation; competence and determination in flowering. Part 6 Coordination of development: pattern formation, positional information, and integration of growth.