Principles of Conservation Biology, 3rd edition is a complete revision of the most comprehensive textbook on conservation biology. First published in 1994 Principles of Conservation Biology is richly praised by reviewers, teachers, and students alike. Written by leading experts in the field, it is intended for use in conservation biology courses at the advanced undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as by researchers and practitioners.
The text introduces the major themes and concepts of the diverse and dynamic field of conservation biology. The biological and social underpinnings of conservation problems and potential solutions are interwoven throughout Principles of Conservation Biology. Guest essays and case studies provide a diversity of perspectives and real world examples add insight and provoke discussion.
The 3rd edition features a wholly revised organization, emphasizing both analyses of different categories of threat and approaches to conservation. Coverage has been expanded to emphasize both terrestrial and marine conservation issues, and efforts in the US and across the globe. Principles of Conservation Biology is richly illustrated, and chapters are complemented with annotated reading lists and questions designed to stimulate thought and class discussions.
1. What Is Conservation Biology?
2. Global Biodiversity: Patterns and Processes
3. Threats to Biodiversity
4. Conservation Values and Ethics
5. Ecological Economics and Nature Conservation
6. Habitat Degradation and Loss
7. Habitat Fragmentation
8. Overexploitation
9. Species Invasions
10. Biological Impacts of Climate Change
11. Conservation Genetics: The Use and Importance of Genetic Information
12. Species and Landscape Approaches to Conservation
13. Ecosystem Approaches to Conservation: Responses to a Complex World
14. Protected Areas: Goals, Limitations, and Design
15. Restoration of Damaged Ecosystems and Endangered Populations
16. Sustainable Development
17. The Integration of Conservation Science and Policy: The Pursuit of Knowledge Meets the Use of Knowledge
18. Meeting Conservation Challenges in the Twenty-First Century