Real-Time Monitoring for Climate Change, Water Supply and Sanitation is the first in a series of books that pulls together the final outcomes and recommendations from the PREPARED project that originated from the WSSTP (Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform) thematic working group Sustainable Water Management in Urban areas. The PREPARED project confirms and demonstrates the technological preparedness of water supply and sanitation systems of ten cities in Europe to adapt to the expected impacts of climate change.
Real-Time Monitoring for Climate Change, Water Supply and Sanitation shows that the water supply and sanitation systems of cities and their catchments can adapt and be resilient to the challenges of climate change; and that the technological, managerial and policy adaptation of these PREPARED cities can be cost effective, carbon efficient and exportable to other urban areas within Europe and the rest of the world.
The five books in the series:
- Address issues related to the management of water, waste water and storm water that are impacted by climate change both in quantitative and qualitative aspects.
- Address many of the Pan-European problems and optimise, test and implement adaptive solutions that will contribute towards an integrated and coordinated approach.
- Develop adaptation strategies, considering and weighting the mitigation side of solutions to minimise our carbon- and water footprint.
- Improve resilience to deal with the impact of climate change.
- Contribute to the development of the knowledge base where it concerns the water supply and sanitation sector.
Evaluation of uncertainties; Data validation; Rainfall monitoring; Sensor placement; Uncertainty quantification and data assimilation; Integrated Real Time Monitoring and Management Systems; Distribution networks (including disinfection control) water supply; Distribution networks (including early warning) sanitation systems; Early warning and distributed control systems for water supply; Early warning and integrated control of sanitation systems