This book consists of a collection of papers presented during the course of the UGC-Sponsored National Seminar in Geography, organized by the Department of Geography, Prasannadeb Women's College, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, during 26th and 27th November, 2011, in collaboration with Center for Development of Human Initiatives (CDHI), a Jalpaiguri-based NGO. The focal theme of the seminar was "Resource Utilization, Land Use, vis-a-vis Environmental Impact in India with Special Reference to Himalayan Foothills". The sub-themes included issues like assessment of available resources, hazards and measures and practices of sustainable development. The purpose of selecting these issues and themes was to create awareness among the students about the present resource
reserves of India and the problems related with their utilization. The focal theme and sub-themes were selected in a way to encourage further investigation from the side of young researchers; it is, after all, expected of teachers with a considerable amount of teaching experience, to pass the baton to the next runner. We have to generate willingness among the students to conduct research work, especially in a dynamic subject like Geography, where a lot is yet to be done. In this volume, papers presented by young researchers
take up a considerable part. We made attempts to open up further fields of research as well as, to provide them with a platform to express their views and interact with eminent teachers and experts.