The following 24 species of the labrid fish genus Coris are recognized in the Indo-Pacific region: C. auricularis Valenciennes, outhwestern Australia; C. aurilineata Randall and Kuiter, southern Queensland to New South Wales; C. aygula Lacepède, Indo-Pacific; C. ballieui (Vaillant and Sauvage), Hawaiian Islands; C. batuensis (Bleeker), western Pacific east to Marshall Islands and Tonga; C. bulbifrons Randall and Kuiter, New South Wales to Lord Howe Island and Norfolk Island; C. caudimacula (Quoy and Gaimard), western Indian Ocean, including Red Sea; C. centralis, n. sp., Line Islands, the smallest species (largest, 100 mm SL), with 52-57 lateral-line scales, slender body (depth 4.0-4.7 in SL), and a narrow dark stripe; C. cuvieri (Bennett), Andaman Sea to East Africa and Red Sea; C. debueni, n. sp., Easter Island, related to C. dorsomacula, with 51 lateral-line scales, 16-19 gill rakers, and variable coloration; C. dorsomacula Fowler, western Pacific east to Tonga; C. flavovittata (Bennett), Hawaiian Islands; C. frerei Günther, western Indian Ocean, including southern Red Sea; C. gaimard (Quoy and Gaimard), Tuamotu Archipelago and Line Islands to Cocos-Keeling Islands; C. hewetti, n. sp., Marquesas Islands, usually 50 lateral-line scales, males with elevated dorsal fin (highest in middle), females whitish with 2 dark brown stripes containing a few small white spots, males green on body with a broad orange-red stripe on upper side, the lower edge with about 17 narrow ventral extensions; C. marquesensis, n. sp., Marquesas Islands, similar to C. gaimard, 15-18 gill rakers, blue spots on body of females in longitudinal lines, juveniles with a large black spot posteriorly in dorsal fin; C. musume (Jordan and Snyder), Japan and Taiwan, formerly a synonym of C. picta; C. nigrotaenia Mee and Hare, southern Oman; C. picta (Bloch and Schneider), southern Queensland and New South Wales, east to northern New Zealand and Kermadec Islands; C. pictoides Randall and Kuiter, Philippines to western and eastern Australia; C. roseoviridis, n. sp., Pitcairn Islands to southern Cook Islands, relative of C. debueni, differing in greater average body depth (3.5-4.5 in SL), slightly lower number of gill rakers (15-18), and in color of juveniles and females; C. sandeyeri (Hector), New South Wales to northern Victoria, east to northern New Zealand and Kermadec Islands; C. variegata (Rüppell), Red Sea; and C. venusta (Vaillant and Sauvage), Hawaiian Islands. Coris taeniatus Steindachner, described from 2 specimens allegedly from Java, is placed in the synonymy of C. julis of the eastern Atlantic, a result of locality error.