Since building his famous Woodland House from his own woodland, author Ben Law has evolved his own style of natural building, now tried and tested on many other builds across England. Ben has built houses, workshops, a classroom, lean-tos, a shop and a store to industrial specifications. Whilst this style's origins can be found in traditional forms of building, Ben has developed an entirely new vernacular using many innovative ideas and techniques. Filled with detailed colour photographs and drawings, this unique and practical `how to' book, is unquestionably a benchmark for sustainable building. Roundwood Timber Framing encourages communication between woodsmen, planners, architects and builders, and helps to close the loop between environmental conservation, use of renewable local resources and the regeneration and evolution of traditional skills, to create durable, ecological and beautiful buildings. Ben is a now a much-admired figure. His previous books have sold extremely well and this book, with its highly original and fascinating contribution to design and build, is set to capture the public's imagination and desire to increasingly learn traditional crafts.
Ben Law trains apprentices and runs courses on sustainable woodland management, roundwood timber framing, coppice crafts, and permaculture design. He was a founding member of the Forest Stewardship Council. He also has worked for Oxfam as a permaculture consultant. He is the author of The Woodland Way: A Permaculture Approach to Sustainable Woodland Management and The Woodland House. He lives in West Sussex, UK. Law's woodland house has been featured on The World's Greenest Homes, a series of the Discovery Channel's Planet Green. Ben's latest book is Roundwood Timber Framing, a full-colour guide to his building techniques.
Reviews of earlier editions:
"This is Ben Law at his best – a comprehensive book, full of practical information and packed with detailed photos all underpinned by years of hard-won experience and a sound philosophy. This has to be essential reading for the growing number of woodlanders keen to immerse themselves in all that woodlands have to offer."
– Mike Abbott, woodland craftsman and author
"Ben's work is unique [...] He's a 21st century woodsman, formulating a new building style based on the timber framing methods of his British ancestors, but incorporating new techniques and the realities of the present-day world. He's created a new vernacular, one that he's passing on to future builders via hands-on workshops and books like these."
– Lloyd Kahn, author of Shelter, Homework and Builders of the Pacific Coast
"Ben's beautiful book shows that intelligently sourced wood is ultimately the best building material we have: the most sustainable, the most versatile and easily the most pleasant to live with. By taking past traditions of roundwood timber framing and harnessing them successfully to the rigorous demands of modern building, Ben shows that wood is one of the most vital commodities for us to build a sustainable future on this planet."
– Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, TV chef, author and campaigner