Science for Agriculture was the first thorough quantitative and analytical treatment of the history of the U.S. agricultural research system and as such has served as the foundation for research over the 10 years since its publication. The benefits from public and private investment in agricultural research are immense and should be understood by every student of the agricultural science system in the United States.
The second edition updates important landmarks, components, characteristics, and trends of the U.S. system for developing and applying science to increase the productivity and advancements of agriculture.
Science for Agriculture, 2e, is essential reading for agriculture educators and researchers, Land Grant administrators, food and agri-industry R&D and all others who need to understand the factors that will influence future public agricultural research policy.
Foreword: Vernon W. Ruttan Preface Introduction 1) The Evolution of the U.S. System2) The Development of a System of Agricultural Sciences3) The Agricultural Scientist4) Resources and Their Allocation5) The Private Sector, Biotechnology and R D for Agriculture6) International Dimensions of U.S. Agricultural Research7) Economics of the Provision of Public Agricultural Research8) Research Contributions to Agricultural Productivity9) The SAES-USDA System: Challenges for the 21st Century. Glossary/Acronyms Index
Wallace E. Huffman, Ph.D., is Charles F. Curtiss Distinguished Professor in Agriculture and Professor of Economics and Agricultural Economics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa. Robert E. Evenson is Professor of Economics, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.
The book is superbly produced and has special utility for policy makers, senior managers and strategic analysts in advanced agriculture.Experimental Agriculture