For more than ten years, the Science for Conservators Series have been the key basic texts for conservators throughout the world. Scientific concepts are basic to the conservation of artefacts of every type, yet many conservators have little or no scientific training. These introductory volumes provide non-scientists with the essential theoretical backgound to their work. The prime reason for the books' continuing success is that they clarify often complex ideas, without distortion or over-simplification. They are essential basic textbooks for all conservators in training, and as such are in use throughout the world. Now part of the Heritage: Care-Preservation-Management handbook programme, these volumes in the collection have now been provided with carefully selected bibliographies and reading lists, to bring the student into contact with the most recent work in the field. Further volumes are in preparation.
Chapter One Sticking Things Together Chapter Two The Chemistry of Polymers Chapter Three Making Joints With Different Types of Adhesive Chapter Four The Strength and Stiffness of Materials Chapter Five How Long Will It Last? Chapter Six Coatings Cahpter Seven Consolidants