This catalogue of the seabirds of British Columbia, published as a special issue of the journal Wildlife Afield (volume 13, numbers 1 and 2), is more than just a valuable reference document. In addition to the scientific text, with an exhaustive compilation of 631 published and unpublished sources, are almost 300 photographs and drawings that document the private lives of seabirds and the field experiences of the surveyors. Two provincial artists donated eight paintings of coastal themes that are added as coloured inserts. Also scattered throughout the text are numerous shaded inserts that include fascinating aspects of the lives of nesting birds and vivid memories of the authors.
Authors Michael Rodway, Wayne Campbell, and Moira Lemon have brought to fruition five decades of work in this updated seabird catalogue for British Columbia. They have a combined 127 years of seabird experience and have visited all colonies at least once and some many times.
This introductory 298-page volume provides an overview of nesting seabirds in British Columbia, including survey history and methods, provincial population summaries, species accounts, threats, and conservation measures. Three subsequent volumes, also to be published in Wildlife Afield, will present detailed histories of every known seabird colony in BC.