This book gives a comprehensive picture of the present stage of development of spectral analysis and filter theory in geophysics. The principles and theories behind classical and modern methods are described and the effectiveness of these methods is assessed; selected examples of their practical application in geophysics are discussed. The modern methods include, for example, spectral analysis by fitting random models to the data, the maximum-entropy and maximum-likelihood spectral analysis procedures, the Wiener and Kalman filters, homomorphic deconvolution, and adaptive procedures for non-stationary processes. This book represents a valuable aid in education and research and for solving practical problems in geophysics and related disciplines.
Spectral Analysis of Deterministic Processes.- Spectral Analysis of Random Processes.- Spectral Analysis of Random Processes by Model Fitting.- Fundamentals of Filter Theory. - Digital Filtering.- Fundamentals of Optimum Filtering.- Fundamentals of Deconvolution and Their Application to Reflection Seismic Data.- Multidimensional and Multichannel Filters.- Author Index.- Subject Index.