Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is grown in over 100 countries throughout the world. As a staple food, potato is the fourth most important crop after rice, wheat, and maize, and has historically contributed to food and nutrition security in the world. Global interest in potato increased recently as world food prices soared, threatening the global food security and stability. Unlike major cereals, potato is not a globally traded commodity, and prices are usually determined by local production costs. Thus, potato is increasingly regarded as a vital food-security crop and as a substitute for costly cereal imports. With such importance, the 29 chapters in the edited book address the issues of sustainable potato production.
Sustainable Potato Production begins with an introduction on sustainable potato production and global food security, and then presents eight case studies selected globally and covering different issues relevant to sustainable potato production in both developed and developing countries.
Part I Introduction
1. Sustainable potato production and global food security; Sherri L. DeFauw, Zhongqi He, Robert P. Larkin, and Sameeh A. Mansour
Part II Enhancing Potato System Sustainability in the Northeast USA
2. Impacts of crop rotation and irrigation on soil-borne diseases and soil microbial communities; Robert P. Larkin, C. Wayne Honeycutt, O. Modesto Olanya, John M. Halloran, and Zhongqi He
3. Early and late blight potential on Russet Burbank potato as affected by microclimate, cropping systems and irrigation management in North eastern United States; O. Modesto Olanya, C. Wayne Honeycutt, Zhongqi He, Robert P. Larkin, John M. Halloran and Jonathan M. Frantz
4. Comparison of soil phosphorus status and organic matter composition in potato fields with different crop rotation systems; Zhongqi He, C. Wayne Honeycutt, O. Modesto Olanya, Robert P. Larkin, John M. Halloran, and Jonathan M. Frantz
5. Comparing modelled productivity to historical data in New England potato production systems; Jonathan M. Frantz, Robert P. Larkin, Georgette Trusty, C. Wayne Honeycutt, Zhongqi He, O. Modesto Olanya, and John M. Halloran
Part III Linking Irrigated Potato Cropping Systems to Sustainable Agriculture in the West USA
6. Potato tuber yield, tuber size distribution, and quality as impacted by preceding cover crops; Samuel Y.C. Essah
7. Mustard green manure use in eastern Washington State; Andrew M. McGuire
8. Yields of potato crops and potential rotation crops impacted by humates application; Mir M. Seyedbagheri, Zhongqi He, and Daniel C. Olk
9. Late blight epidemics in the Columbia Basin; Dennis A. Johnson, Philip B. Hamm, Jeffrey S. Miller, and Lyndon D. Porter
Part IV Improved Nitrogen Management in Rainfed Potato Production in Eastern Canada
10. Nitrogen fertilization strategies in relation to potato tuber yield, quality, and crop N recovery; Bernie J. Zebarth, Gilles Belanger, Athyna N. Cambouris and Noura Ziadi
11. Soil and plant tests to optimize fertilizer N management of potatoes; Noura Ziadi, Bernie J. Zebarth, Gilles Belanger and Athyna N. Cambouris
12. Nitrogen management in organic potato production; Derek H. Lynch, Mehdi Sharifi, Andy Hammermeister and David Burton
13. Nitrate leaching from potato production in Eastern Canada; Yefang Jiang, Bernie J. Zebarth, George H. Somers, John A. MacLeod and Martine M. Savard
14. Nitrous oxide emissions from potato production and their management; David L. Burton, Bernie J. Zebarth, John A. MacLeod and Cynthia Goyer
Part V Sustaining Potato Production in the Cool-Temperate Climate of Tasmania, Australia
15. Potato production in Tasmania, Australia - an overview of climate, soils and practices; Leigh A. Sparrow and William E. Cotching
16. Sustainable soil management for potatoes; William E. Cotching and Leigh A. Sparrow
17. Potato nutrient management in Tasmania, Australia; Leigh A. Sparrow
18. Managing and monitoring viral and soil-borne pathogens in Tasmanian potato crops; Leigh A. Sparrow and Calum R. Wilson
19. In vitro cell selection techniques for enhancing disease resistance - case study: Common scab disease resistance in Russet Burbank; Calum R. Wilson and Robert S. Tegg
Part VI Water-Saving Managements of Potato Production in the Semi-Arid Areas of Northern China
20. Potato evapotranspiration and productivity as affected by drip irrigation frequency and soil matric potential; Fengxin Wang and Zhongqi He
21. Effects of plastic mulch on potato growth; Fengxin Wang and Zhongqi He
22. Drought and salinity tolerance in transgenic potato; Huaijun Si, Ning Zhang and Di Wang
Part VII Increasing Sustainability of Potato Production Systems in Brazil and Peru
23. Statistical models in plant diagnosis and calculating recommended nitrogen rates; Paulo Cezar Rezende Fontes; Marcelo Cleon de Castro Silva; Glauco Vieira Miranda
24. Effect of soil compaction alleviation on quality and yield of potato; Carlos Francisco Ragassi, Carlos Alberto Lopes, Italo Moraes Rocha Guedes
25. Developing integrated pest management for potato: Experiences and lessons from two distinct potato production systems of Peru; Jurgen Kroschel, Norma Mujica, Jesus Alcazar, Veronica Canedo, Octavio Zegarra
Part VIII Improvement of Potato Production Systems by Organic Amendments: Italian and Egyptian Reports
26. Soil fertility management in organic potato: the role of green manure and amendments application; Stefano Canali, Corrado Ciaccia, Fabio Tittarelli
27. Effect of humic substances application on potato tubers yield quantity, quality, nutrients concentration under Egyptian soil conditions; Ahmed A. Mosa
28. Evaluation of residual pesticides and heavy metals levels in conventionally and organically farmed potato tubers in Egypt; Sameeh A. Mansour
29. Optimization of late blight and bacterial wilt management in potato production systems in the highland tropics of Africa; O. Modesto Olanya, R. O. Nyankanga, P. S. Ojiambo, B. Lemaga, R. Kakuhenzire, and D. N. Fontem