In this novel, we follow Woodlouse and Earwig, two friends as they emerge in the spring sunshine, and follow them through the warm summer months and a long drought, through an autumn storm, and say farewell to them as winter approaches.
During the drought, the animals organise an underground concert in which a small beetle sings a song. "It's a humorous song" she began, "about our hosts." There was a pause, then she added shyly, "About Woodlouse and Earwig".
On the way, we meet other inhabitants of the garden, a mysterious plume moth, a dreaming snail, acrobatic grasshoppers, birds, insects, other animals ... and humans too, of whom Earwig says he "never could make out one half of the odd things they do".
"An incredibly enjoyable novel for anyone interested in nature, wildlife or entomology."
– Hayden, aged 11, in The Bulletin of the Amateur Entomologists' Society