About this book
Comprehensive work by a local expert, which includes archaeology, history, folklore, traditional medicine, human-crocodile conflict and a bibliography of the literature on crocodiles of Stri Lanka
Preface and acknowledgements
Forward by Grahame Webb
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1. The name: crocodile
1.2. Evolution and biology
1.3. Crocodiles of the world
1.4. Crocodiles in Sri Lanka
1.5. Profile of Sri Lanka
Chapter 2. Crocodiles and the people of Sri Lanka
2.1. Crocodiles in Sri Lankan history and archeology
2.2. Folklore
2.3. Crocodiles today
2.4. Some common questions about crocodiles
2.5. Are crocodiles useful to man and nature
2.6. How to check for the presence of a crocodiles
Chapter 3. Natural history of our two crocodile species
3.1. Crocodylus palustris - the mugger
3.2. Life history and behaviour
3.3. Mugger burrows
3.4. Where to see mugger crocodiles
3.5. Crocodylus porosus - the saltwater crocodile
3.6. Life history and behaviour
3.7. Where to see saltwater crocodiles
Chapter 4. Human-crocodile conflict
4.1. Why crocodiles attack
4.2. Some early accounts of crocodile attacks
4.3 Crocodile attacks today
4.4. Preventive methods to avoid crocodile attacks
4.5. Management of crocodile bite victims
Chapter 5. Threats
5.1. Population trends over the years
5.2. Threats to eggs and hatchlings
5.3. Skin trade
5.4. Fishery related threats
5.5. Killing for consumption and revenge
5.6. Road kills
5.7. Health and disease
5.8. Threats to the natural habitats
5.9. Wrong releases
Chapter 6. Conservation
6.1. Conservation during historic times to the present
6.2. Legislation and conservation status
6.3. Public awareness: importance of crocodiles
6.4. In-situ and ex-situ conservation
6.5. What the future holds
Appendix. Bibliography of the Literature on Crocodiles of Sri Lanka
Literature Cited
Glossary of Technical Terms
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