The 10th edition of The Earth through Time by Harold Levin is an excursion into the Earth's geologic past that offers more in-depth information and resources about geological materials and processes. The new edition provides many new updates and explanations, better illustrations and constructively expands on previous issues. The narrative is more lively and engaging to clearly convey the unique perspective and value of historical geology and improve its presentation. Furthermore, the 10th edition includes seventeen chapters organized under three major divisions: Discovering Time and Deciphering Earth's Amazing History, Rocks and What They Tell Us About Earth, and History of Planet Earth and Its Inhabitants.
New to this edition:
- Over 100 new photos & illustrations
- 75 new end of chapter questions throughout the text
- Revised Geological Time Scale to conform to most recent recommendation of the International Congress on Stratigraphic Nomenclature.
- Revised figures Pathway through the Proterozoic, Pathway through the Paleozoic, Pathway through the Mesozoic, and Pathway through the Cenozoic.
- Added additional “Enrichment Boxes”
- Added several new sections, including, A Variety of Paleozoic Living Strategies, The Theropod Ancestry of Birds, Cenozoic Climates: Warming Then Cooling, and What Lies Ahead for Humanity.
CHAPTER 1 The Science of Historical Geology 1
CHAPTER 2 Early Geologists Tackle History’s Mysteries 13
CHAPTER 3 Time and Geology 29
CHAPTER 4 Rocks and Minerals: Documents That Record Earth’s History 49
CHAPTER 5 The Sedimentary Archives 81
CHAPTER 6 Life on Earth: What Do Fossils Reveal? 125
CHAPTER 7 Plate Tectonics Underlies All Earth History 169
CHAPTER 8 The Earth’s Formative Stages and the Archean Eon 215
CHAPTER 9 The Proterozoic: Dawn of a More Modern World 251
CHAPTER 10 Early Paleozoic Events 275
CHAPTER 11 Late Paleozoic Events 303
CHAPTER 12 Life of the Paleozoic 335
CHAPTER 13 Mesozoic Events 385
CHAPTER 14 Life of the Mesozoic 417
CHAPTER 15 Cenozoic Events 469
CHAPTER 16 Life of the Cenozoic 505
CHAPTER 17 Human Origins 543