An enlightening examination of the center of our entire mental universe, the prefrontal cortex, or PFC.
The prefrontal cortex is taking center stage in the evolving drama of our discoveries about the brain. It is the source of impulse control, the site of working memory, and the locus of reason, perception, and emotional processing: all the functions that make up our unique human genius. In this fascinating volume, Kathleen Stein looks at the cutting-edge research being done on the PFC and explains how it channels our actions and abilities. She helps us understand what happens when the PFC fails to function correctly-how mere anger can turn into violence, passion can overwhelm logic, and attention deficits can usurp focused thought, foresight, and long-range planning.
Kathleen Stein (New York, NY) has written about science and technology for more than 20 years. She was Omni's Neuroscience Editor for more than a decade.