Compilation of papers from a conference organised by the British Mycological Society, held in April 1993. The Genus Aspergillus provide a comprehensive review of the fungal genus Aspergillus with contributions from a diverse group of experts on taxonomy, molecular genetics, medical pathology, industrial fermentation, food and agriculture.
- Agriculture, Aflatoxins, and Aspergillus; P.J. Cotty, et al.
- Biosynthesis of Aspergillus Toxins-Non-Aflatoxins; M.O. Moss
- The Molecular Genetics of Aflatoxin Biosynthesis; J.W. Bennett, et al.
- Aspergillus Toxins in Animal Feeding Stuffs; K.A. Scudamore
- Aspergilli in Feeds and Seeds; J. Lacey
- Antiinsectan Effects of Aspergillus Metabolites; D.T. Wicklow, et al.
- Aspergillus Spoilage; B. Flannigan, A.R. Pearce
- Industrial Fermentation and Aspergillus; A.G. Brooke
- Regulation of Organic Acid Production by Aspergilli; C.P. Kubichek, et al.
- Aspergillus Enzymes and Industrial Uses; K. Oxenbol
- Industrial Aspects of Soy Sauce and B.J.
- Fermentation Using Aspergillus; K.E. Aidoo, et al.
- Aspergillus and Fermented Foods; P.E. Cook, G. Campbell-Platt
- The ARpI Aspergillus Replicating Plasmid; J. Clutterbuck, et al.
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