The goblin spider genus Stenoonops Simon is relimited to include those spineless oonopids with a soft abdomen but a well-sclerotized cephalothorax, elevated and pointed sternal extensions separated by distinct grooves, and a dorsal, distal clump of short setae on the male and female palpal tarsi. Most of the 19 species currently assigned to Stenoonops belong elsewhere; the 14 misplaced species include members of six other genera. As relimited, Stenoonops comprises 23 species and is circum-Caribbean in distribution. The Mediterranean type species of Oonopinus Simon, O. angustatus (Simon), is poorly known, but none of the New World taxa that have been placed in Oonopinus are actually congeneric with O. angustatus.Oonopinus pretiosus Bryant is transferred to Stenoonops; O. centralis Gertsch and O. modestus Chickering are transferred to Theotima (Ochyroceratidae). The genus Scaphioides Bryant is removed from the synonymy of Stenoonops; S. minutus Chamberlin and Ivie from Florida, S. reductus (Bryant) and S. nitens Bryant from the Virgin Islands, S. cletus Chickering and S. hoffi Chickering from Jamaica, S. phonetus Chickering and S. econotus Chickering from Puerto Rico, and S. halatus Chickering from Antigua are transferred from Stenoonops to Scaphioides. Members of two other genera resemble those of Stenoonops but lack distinct grooves between the sternal projections. In the new genus Longoonops, also circum-Caribbean, the posterior median eyes are elongated and color patterns often occur on the abdomen or legs; Stenoonops padiscus Chickering, from Jamaica, is transferred to Longoonops. In Australoonops Hewitt, the seam between the male palpal bulb and cymbium has been lost; females of the type species, A. granulatus Hewitt from South Africa, are described for the first time. New species are described in all three genera, including 17 species of Stenoonops (S. peckorum from Florida, S. alazan and S. cabo from Mexico, S. belmopan from Belize, S. murphyorum from Costa Rica, S. canita from Panama, S. tayrona and S. kochalkai from Colombia and Venezuela, S. bimini from the Bahama Islands, S. mandeville from Jamaica, S. jara from Hispaniola, S. luquillo from Puerto Rico, S. saintjohn, S. tortola, and S. exgord from the Virgin Islands, S. saba from Saba Island, and S. simla from Trinidad), three species of Longoonops (L. bicolor from Nicaragua and Costa Rica, L. chickeringi from Panama, and L. gorda from the Virgin Islands), and two species of Australoonops (A. skaife and A. haddadi from South Africa and Mozambique).