This volume comprises three books by Graham Stuart Thomas that have transformed our gardens, establishing him as one of the most influential gardeners of the twentieth century. The Old Shrub Roses (1955) brought to public attention the favourite roses of the early nineteenth century: the intensely scented Damasks, the rich and sombre Gallicas and the Albas with their unique combination of elegance and thriftiness. Shrub Roses of Today (1962) identified the species and hybrids from Japan and North America, from English and Scottish hedgerows and from the mountains of China, full of virtues then unrecognized. Climbing Roses Old and New (1965) considered ramblers and climbers such as 'Adelaide d'Orleans' and 'Desprez a fleur jaune', now more than 150 years old but still incomparable. The Graham Stuart Thomas Rose Book brings the trilogy together, substantially revised and updated. New material has been added, practical advice is included on planting, general cultivation, pruning and display, and new photographs complement favourite illustrations from such masters as Redoute and Graham Stuart Thomas himself.
Graham Stuart Thomas, who died in April 2003, is revered as one of the greatest gardeners of the twentieth century. His 'unrivalled plantsmanship' brought him the highest horticultural honours and as Gardens Adviser to the National Trust he was directly responsible for the conservation and restoration of many of the finest gardens in England.
'More than anyone else, Graham Stuart Thomas launched the revival of interest in roses long out of favour.' Henry Mitchell, Washington Post; 'The greatest gardener of our time, perhaps of all time.' Daily Telegraph