A group of international scientists analyze the problems of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations in the Earth's atmosphere and the possible future climatic changes which may ensue. Serving as a basis for future discussion and development of remedies, this incisive and thought-provoking compendium considers such major issues as the quantity of CO2 likely to be released into the atmosphere as a result of fossil fuel combustion, the expected increases of other greenhouse gases that affect the Earth's radiation budget, how and when climatic changes can be detected and the projected changes in sea level resulting from global warming. These and other related issues are addressed by recognized scientists and critically reviewed by their peers.
- The Greenhouse Effect, Climatic Change, and Ecosystems
- How Is Man Changing the Composition of the Atmosphere?
- Emission of CO2 Into the Atmosphere
- How Much CO2 Will Remain in the Atmosphere?
- Other Greenhouse Gases and Aerosols
- A Warmer World?
- How Will Climate Change?
- Empirical Climate Studies
- Changing the Sea Level
- The Impacts on Terrestrial Ecosystems
- The Effects of CO2 Climatic Change on Agriculture
- CO2, Climatic Change and Forest Ecosystems
- Increased CO2 and Climatic Change on Terrestrial Ecosystems