Kansas is a bird-watcher's paradise, with its key location at the hub of the hemisphere's migration corridors and exceptional habitat diversity; 470 avian species have been documented within its borders. From spectacularly beautiful birds like Painted Buntings to elegant migrants like Hudsonian Godwits, birders can find abundant rewards every time they take to the field.
"The Guide to Kansas Birds and Birding Hot Spots" focuses on 295 species that are most likely to be encountered in the state. It helps occasional day-trippers or backyard observers identify and learn about birds that regularly occur in Kansas, with stunning color photos that enable those new to the hobby to identify their discoveries, plus tips on where to search for these species with the greatest likelihood of success.
This book also provides a checklist for all state birds, a calendar of Kansas bird activity, and recommendations for binoculars and other field guides.
Bob Gress is director of the Great Plains Nature Center in Wichita and coauthor of Faces of the Great Plains: Prairie Wildlife and Watching Kansas Wildlife: A Guide to 101 Sites. His stunning wildlife photography has appeared in many publications. Pete Janzen is active in the Kansas Ornithological Society and the Wichita Audubon Society and is author of The Birds of Sedgwick County and Cheney Reservoir, along with numerous articles on Kansas birds.
A wonderful book. Gress and Janzen have national reputations and world-class skills, and you could not ask for better guides to introduce you to the birdlife of the great state of Kansas. Kenn Kaufman, author of the Kaufman Focus Guides
"This is a veritable Baedeker for Kansas bird lovers - the text is jammed with useful information, and the color plates are spectacular." Paul Johnsgard, author of Prairie Birds
"A delightful and authoritative introduction to Kansas birds with a wealth of information, on how and where to find them." William H. Busby, coauthor of Kansas Breeding Bird Atlas"