The Important Plant Areas of Mozambique is an assessment of 50 critical sites for plant conservation, based on the Mozambique TIPAs project run in collaboration between RBG Kew, Mozambique's Agricultural Research Institute (Instituto de Investigacao Agraria de Mocambique – IIAM) and the University Eduardo Mondlane. Drawing on information from the TIPAs database, The Important Plant Areas of Mozambique includes colour maps and photographs, site descriptions and tables to present information on the botanical significance, habitat and geology of the region. The book will also address conservation issues and ecosystem services in order to promote Mozambique's critical plant sites and inform conservation leaders in Government, NGOs, universities and local communities about Mozambique's threatened habitats
Iain Darbyshire works in the Department of Accelerated Taxonomy at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. His specialisms are in Acanthaceae systematics and African plant diversity and conservation. Sophie Richards works in the Department of Accelerated Taxonomy at Kew. Her specialisms are in conservation, biodiversity analyses, GIS and extinction risk.